A new practice with ancient perspective on yoga and women’s health.


The innate nature of the woman's body is cyclical and circular. Through yoga and other feminine-centered practices, I invite you to rediscover the most ancient traditions by learning how to bring them into today's world.


Feminine Yoga

A feminine approach to the yoga practice tailored specifically for you (beginner or long-time practitioner alike) where to explore movements that respect the female physiology and women's cyclical nature. 

        Feminine Yoga Teacher Training

A Continuing Education Training for the yoga teachers who want to expand and deepen the knowledge of feminine practices like prenatal yoga, fertility yoga and more.


Somatics of the Feminine

A path that puts health at the center, giving space and enormous attention to every symptom. By allowing the body to be seen and heard in its entirety and by bringing light to every part of it, well-being can be brought to the entire system.

About me

After nearly a decade of teaching yoga in Europe and the Americas, I have been called to dig deeply into what being a woman means, both on and off the yoga mat. This calling led me to the ancient traditions that honor nature and follow her cyclical rhythms, honoring women and the divine feminine when practiced. In my work I aim to inform and guide women on their path of self discovery at their own pace, through various modalities. My teaching style follows a feminine model of circular, round and earth-connected movements to best reflect the needs that most align with the body, mind and emotions. The consults and treatments that I offer aim to create the space for the body to speak and be heard. In this way, it will have the chance to return to optimal balance, regenerating and healing, like it is able to, by design. Getting to know, live and embrace their true nature, women can thrive meeting their authentic and holistic higher Self.

On demand courses and live events

You can study and practice with me from the comfort of your home or gifting yourself some quality time away from your routine by taking part to one of my events.

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